About M1ndfuel

Our Journey

The drive to perform at peak efficiency has long been the cornerstone of the people behind M1ndfuel. With dozens of years of accumulated experience in the health, performance and corporate sector, the invaluable aspect to stay ahead of the game often lies in the caffeinated details.

Coffee is enjoyment and coffee should be thoroughly enjoyed in its darkest form. Enhancing the long-term effects without any damage to the environment or the people we are closely working with. It is the foundation of how we will approach the M1ndfuel journey with you.

Our beans are not your average quality. Through assessments and working closely with our sources, M1ndfuel beans contain all the characteristics of what is said the pinnacle of performance, when consumed responsibly

Our Goal —

Why coffee? The universal bond that coffee brings with it has a tight connection to human interaction. Be it to meet friends or start the day fresh and with energy, coffee holds no boundaries to what is possible. The people behind M1ndfuel are aligned that the right amount of coffee boosts one’s performance sustainably without losing touch of the social or corporate context in which it is consumed. M1ndfuel coffee is that silent performer with a potent after-burner for mind and body.

Our mission is to empower and fuel future leaders who want to optimize all areas of life and performance with the science of coaching and coffee. To share our proven systems with the world while supporting sustainable coffee production with local communities and harvesters around the world.

Education & Knowledge Transfer

The benefits of regularly drinking a quality coffee remain in the shadows. By explaining the positive effects of well-grinded beans, we dig a bit deeper into the science to show that there is a benefit in linking a cup of M1ndfuel into your day with higher levels of output across all life domains.

Performance Enhancement

25 years in coaching has taught us a lot about life change results. Our mission is to share our knowledge and systems to optimize peak performance in life through science, habitual change and purpose driven outcomes that lead to better results..

Drink Responsibly

We are passionate about delivering quality to optimize performance and a mindful agility. In its simplest form, M1ndfuel has proven to retain its maximum potency when enjoyed responsibly and scientifically.


Words from Fuelled M1NDS

I never imagined how the science of coffee would extend behind simply drinking coffee.


Coffeeeeee! Means so much more than just a morning cup. I learned as a fuel to optimize my thinking and apply this is part of my winning formula for success.


Creating a health coaching program based on health, performance and coffee is ingenious.
